Wednesday 31 October 2007

3D Animation

I've been thinking of getting into this for a while. I'm thinking of getting into 3D Animation. Thing is, I don't know where to start. I've used a little program called Anim8or which is free but it pretty limited in what it can do.

I see films like Shrek and think, that would be pretty fun! I've tried drawing, but my hands are too big and clumsy, when I put the pencil to the paper I just end up punching a hole in the table.

Thing is all the proffresional programs cost like £400.

I'll just keep looking, find some tutorials and knuckle down!

1 comment:

Duncan said...

Have you tried "Computer Arts", Kevin. They often give free software away, sometimes just timelimited, others full versions of the old edition.

They also do special editions.

A mate swears by eBay for ligit versions of software.